It's fun to have a muse. I often try to pretend I'm one myself. Dancing around my apartment waving my silk (Made in China(town)) scarf in the breeze, hair blowing in the wind (wheezing air conditioning unit) like one of those hot chicks in the shotgun of a drop-top 1950's convertible. Thinking man, these people on the couch must be captivated by me, as I begin to imagine what wonderful shakespearian sonnets I'm commandeering from their mesmerized minds right now. You're welcome, couch goers. You're welcome boyfriends, best friends, relatives and roommates. You. Are. Welcome.
And if it's only for a moment that I'm unaware of the fact that the only aura I'm capturing is that of an Inflatable Breezy Geezer, then a moment it shall be. But until the day that I'm some Andy's Edie (and it will come folks, it will come), I thought I'd stick and start with sharing some of my own digital inspirations. The following is an award-worthy list of my very own muses of the mouses.

Best: Style Icon Blog
I'd like to think I dress like her. I don't. But I tell myself, someday...someday.

Best: DIY Design Blog
These self-proclaimed DIY Dorks have the ability to get make you go Bob Vila for the day, though I've yet to figure out where they get the time.
Best: Ode to Photography
Not only because she's a personal friend of mine, but because this chick is rul' good with the click.

Best: Love Letter to Life in New York
This one always surmises smile and forever makes me miss my city.

Best: Tasty Blog
Not because she's another friend of mine, but because she's a Mini-Martha. Without the stick up her ass.